Sunday, January 10, 2021


 There are times when you have to look back at your life just to realize how far you've come.  There are also times you need to plan ahead to avoid what you think will come.  If you are a well balanced, and mature person, you will spend most of your time in the moment, enjoying what you have.  

This band of brothers, this fellowship of the King, this Kingdom council, and Knights of the round table is unique and can never be done again.  No matter how old, or young you were when we began this Men's Group, you were the first time I'd ever seen it done the way we've done it.  When Holy Spirit spoke to me about including our young men into the group, it was for the purpose of helping fathers and sons to have an honest and transparent spiritual walk.  Last week, Holy Spirit revealed to us another purpose that I never expected, nor could I have planned.  Not only has it bonded fathers and sons, but it has bonded sons to sons so that you guys became a peer group.  You became positive peers to one another.  You helped each other to escape the devastation of youthful experimentation.  That many of you sitting at the table today were here nearly 17 years ago in our first class, speaks to the powerful bond you made with one another.  This speaks to how far you've come.  

This study into Christian Fatherhood was done to help all you younger fathers develop plans for your children so that they will land where you aim them.  Having plans is not the same as dictating to them what they will be or making them a copy of you.  Having plans is knowing what you want them to avoid and helping them to avoid it.  It is also knowing what they can be, and helping them to be their true self. Even then, like I said earlier, you may think you're doing something for one purpose, but discover later that it was for another purpose.  

Living in the moment is what we've been doing for the last 17 years.  It's been unending discoveries for me as we've studied together, played together, and served together.  

I asked you how you can help your children to avoid destructive peer pressure, and the answers have been very good, and helpful.  I feel confident in adding my input, not as a formula, or as a solution, but as an addition to what you've said.  

DO NOT ABANDON MEN'S GROUP!  Improve upon it, and use it as a springboard for growth. What worked for you young men is what will help your young men to become leaders for tomorrow.  Because so many of you have little girls in your quiver, I know exactly how you feel.  I was totally unprepared to father girls.  Yet, somehow it happened.  So how do you change up the pattern so that our girls can be a part of what worked when you were young?  

TIME!!!!!  Time is important to all people, but especially more to girls.  Their self worth is somehow tied to the amount of time you give them.  That is why peer pressure works.  Their friends give them time.  Yes, I know it's more complicated than that, but TIME is the one thing that makes a major difference.  You need to find a way for your kids to be with each other's kids on a regular basis outside of the church environment.  Maybe a new outreach ministry or purpose that unites Moms, Dads, and children in a common mission.  Maybe a new way to look at serving the community.  Perhaps start by asking your children if they could do anything to help people around them what would they do?   I don't know what will serve this body in the future, but I know that some morning one of you is going to be prodded by Holy Spirit to do something crazy like bring teenage boys around a study table and give them an opportunity to teach, learn, and grow with one another.  To put it bluntly, the fathers of this church have been my peer group.  They have pressured me to be better.  

Do Not Abandon Men's Group!!!!!!

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