Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Looking At the Pure of Heart and the Peacemakers

Once again, I must apologize for taking so long to transfer the lessons to the blog.  With Operation Christmas Child, Thanksgiving, and a few unexpected house repairs to do, I let myself get way behind.  I hope you’ll forgive me.  Our study into the beatitudes is an amazing journey into the hearts of our men, and the Kingdom of God.  I’ve learned so much the last few weeks, and am looking forward to more. 
Three Sunday’s ago our Bro. Dale taught on the Pure of Heart.  Here is his lesson sheet.

Blessed are the Pure of Heart, For they shall see God.
“Pure is defined as unadulterated, and “unadulterated is defined as pure, so the dictionary only helps a little bit. 
Is a “hardened heart” pure?  Why not?  
What is this whole heart thing about anyway? 
What is meant by the everyday phrase:  “a change of heart”? 
WHY HAVE A PURE HEART?   (Proverbs 22:11 and Psalm 73:1)
**The condition of our heart limits how we will act in the world.
**A pure heart frees us.  How much simpler is to do “What is right”, rather than to weigh out “what is owed”?
Timothy 1:5
** the condition of our heart limits how we see the world. 
3 John 1:11 (Amplified) 
How much joy, peace, excitement would there be inour everyday lives if we saw God every day?  How about every hour?
How do we get a Pure Heart?
Hebrews 10:22
2 Thessalonians 3:5
Some of the thoughts brought out in the lesson were:
A pure heart is a heart without ulterior motive.   It is a right heart toward all men, without regard for our own needs.  A humble person has a pure heart. 
A hardened heart doesn’t have compassion, and a judgmental heart  is critical, therefore it can’t be pure. 
A pure heart doesn’t pursue malice toward others, it is without offense, without pride, and is compassionate above all else.  A pure heart is a heart like God’s. 
A pure heart is able to accept change, and to live in an unlimited faith.
Love comes from a pure heart.  While an impure heart limits how we see the world.  A hard heart will not seek out pure motives or reasons for other people’s behaviors. 
A pure heart has been baptized in the love of God, dwelling in the presence of God. 

Two weeks ago our Bro. Tony taught on being a peacemaker.

Matthew 5:9 (Amplified)   Blessed (enjoying enviable happiness, spiritually prosperous-with life- joy and satisfaction in God’s favor and salvation, regardless of their outward conditions) are the peace makers and maintainers of peace, for they shall be called the Sons of God. 
·         Peacemakers: those who are blessed (more than happy; experiencing hope and joy; the deepest form of happiness) by maintaining peace, and in doing so, become a living exhibit and ambassador of Christ’s love, and carry on the family traits as Sons of God.
·         It is under this distinction as Sons of God that we are granted access to our inheritance: Our Kingdom ranted rights as Sons and Daughters of God to be Peacemakers and usher in continued peace. 
o   Isaiah 9: 1-7 NIV 
§  Jesus is the Prince of Peace.  The word says there will be no end to His government and peace.  Our opportunity as peacemakers lines in this proclamation and promise.
§  Our older brother, the Prince of Peace, has distinguished us as other Son’s of God with the right, ability, and responsibility to make and maintain peace.
·         Jesus leaves us HIM.  He leaves us His Peace, His presence.  We must receive, make more, and maintain His presence, His peace, and His love. 
o   John 14:26-31 –(NLT, Message, and Amplified versions) 

NLT- Holy Spirit = My representative; Gift-peace of mind and heart; So the world will know His love
Message: “That’s my parting gift to you, Peace.  I don’t leave you the way you’re used to being left- feeling abandoned, bereft.”  Bereft means; (bereaved) as if a family member or friend has died.
My Parting gift to you?!! That sounds like someone who loves and is exhibiting love.  Someone who is making and maintaining peace, and that makes me really happy!
Amplified:  Holy Spirit=Comforter, counselor, helper, intercessor, advocate, strengthener, standby, in my place to represent me and act on my behalf.  WOW!!! My own peace I now give and bequeath to you. 
Bequeath-Handed down, entrusted, as in a will, transferred to.  Peace is handed down. His will, willed. 
·         With understanding of His peace and love and how it makes us happy, we have to seek it continually to experience greater happiness.  A conscious action and decision to love greater.  Active pursuit
o   Psalm 34:14 (NLT)
o   1 Peter 3:8-12 (NIV)
§  Once again exhibiting His love.  This will make us happier and turn the Lord’s eart to your prayers.  We then hunger for more peace and seek to make and maintain peace.
·         WE are to make and maintain peace:
o   Hebrews 12:14 (NIV)  He willed it to us, we must will to to others and hand it down
o   Colossians 3:12-17 (NLT)  Clothe yourself in love, it will make you happy.  Put on Peace. It will make peace.  Give when others take, love when others hate, help when others abuse, give up your own rights to serve others.  That’s what peace makers do.  Peacemaker out!

Some of the thoughts that were shared during this lesson were so profound, that I couldn’t write them down quick enough.  I was able to capture a few, but not enough to do it justice. 
The 1828 Webster’s Dictionary defines peace as: A state of quiet, freedom, heavenly rest with the happiness of heaven. 
We are ‘chips off the old block’ and we exhibit the same character as our Father. We are empowered to relieve pain, suffering, and strife.
We will usher in reconciliation. 
Christ has left us HIMSELF in the person of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit empowers us to live in peace. 
The ruler of this world had no power over Christ, because Christ was at peace with the Father, himself, and his purpose.  In order to be free of the power of the evil one, we must adopt the same attitude as Christ. 


We are at a critical place in our study of the Sermon on the Mount.  We can choose to believe that we can fully live out the beatitudes or we can adopt the idea that we will never attain to them.  Walking in the Peace of God, allows us to move beyond the power of this present world and live in the spiritual realm.  We can be at peace with ourselves, the Father, and those around us, if we are assured that we are a citizen of a greater Kingdom.  We have two more beatitudes to study and then we’ll launch out into the meat of the sermon.  (As if the beatitudes weren’t meaty enough.)


Most modern scholars seem to agree that the book of James was written to Messianic Jews living in what is known as Galatia.  Of course, we w...