Sunday, November 3, 2013


Throughout my life, I've always been taught that you can be, or do anything you want if you put your mind to it. At the same time, as a Christian, I've always been taught that we are nothing without God. These two mindsets have warred within me as long as I can remember. The first mindset appeals to my human nature, my pride, and the innate desire within all mankind to succeed, or at best survive. To stand in the face of insurmountable odds, to strive to overcome against adversity, and to bring everything you are to bear against overwhelming fear, must come from somewhere deeper than our own nature. When we come to our own end, when we've used up everything we possess, there is a grace that comes from outside of us. That grace, that power of will, that desire to be like the one who created us, brings us to the one place where we stand tall. . . . our knees. It is there on our knees, we express our complete reliance upon the creator of the universe. Yes, I believe in the creator of the universe. I also believe in His belief in us. Our complete reliance upon Him is what makes Him stronger in our lives. At the same time, He enjoys us. He especially enjoys us when we exercise the gifts He gave us.

Last week in our Men's Group, Bro. Caleb taught on Meekness. Here is his lesson sheet:

Matthew 5:5 (NIV) Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

Often the word “meek” is associate with the word weak, which I found to be a mistake. Meekness on the other hand is in many ways a sign of true strength. Knowing the power we have as a child of God allows us to operate in true meekness. Being meek allows us to have true happiness.
Example – Moses
Moses was the leader chosen by God to lead His people Israel out of Egypt. Although God had called him to be a mighty leader, he was still very meek.
When you are meek, God will stand up for you, even when others are speaking against you. This makes me very happy.
Numbers 12:1 – 13 NIV

God declared Moses as the meekest man on the face of the earth. God was very upset at them for Aaron and Miriam for speaking against His servant Moses.
After God cleanses the earth of all the people who do not revere and worship Him truthfully, there will be only the meek left. God will remove all who do not rely on Him.
Zephaniah 3:9 – 13 NIV

God says he will purify the lips of the peoples, so that all may call on His name. In verse 12, He says, “. . .I will leave within you the meek and the humble. The remnant of Israel will trust in the name of the Lord.”
This makes me happy because when you are meek, God says that you will be in His remnant of people. In verse 13, it continues to say, “They will do no wrong; they will tell no lies. . . . .They will eat and lie down, and no one will make them afraid.”
Being Meek allows you to be part of the remnant. As part of God's remnant, there is nothing to fear, and that brings happiness.
Psalms 37: 11 NIV

“But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy peace and prosperity.”
The meek are happy because they know their inheritance is the Lord.
Meekness is controlling the desire to rebel, fight, and to try to stand on our own desires. Submitting ourselves to the Lord, and yielding to His control brings His peace, which leads to happiness.
Also being meek makes it easier to love, because you do not think of yourself as higher than another.

Dave's comments: Here is a recurring theme that has arisen in the last three lessons. Reliance upon God. Complete reliance doesn't erase our personality, our abilities, or our desires. Actually, complete reliance upon God enhances who we are. Our personality becomes genuine, our abilities are amplified, and our desires become pure. Christ honors our individuality, while at the same time melding us with the purposes of God. Meekness in a Christian is to know that within us is the phenomenal power of God, channeled to greater expressions of love. With the power of our tongue we have the ability to call down heaven's hosts against those who would hurt us, but meekness allows us to love them instead.

Okay, you'll have to put up with me, now. One of the men who was supposed to teach today's lesson was unable to, so I stepped in. I've been enjoying the lessons from the other men, so you can imagine my disappointment. Maybe sometime in the future, Brother.


Matthew 5:6  (Amplified) Blessed, and fortunate, and happy, and spiritually prosperous (in that state in which the born again child of God enjoys HIS favor, and salvation) are those who hunger, and thirst for righteousness (uprightness, and right standing with God) for they shall be completely satisfied.
Ø  Justice (righteousness- Right acts- fairness- the right thing,) is not a set of commands, but an attitude of love.  Love is expressed in justice, (right acts.) 
o   1 Kings 10:9 
§  God’s desire to bless is bound up in the act of justice. His first expression of love is His desire to bless us with righteousness through Jesus His son.
§  Psalms 82
Ø  Our continual, overwhelming desire, {hunger (body), and thirst(soul)} should be to seek after justice (righteousness) 
o   Proverbs 21:3
§  While God’s desire is to bless us, our own hunger and thirst determine our satisfaction.
o   Isaiah 56:1- 7
§  When we are seeking to do justice, we are happy to be doing the work of the Lord.  It becomes meat and drink to us.  While we may become sated for an instant, we desire to do more. 
Ø  The expression of Justice is both in what we do and in our attitude. 
o   Isaiah 61:1-3
o   I am happy when I seek to do justice, because God is within those things, and He becomes my satisfaction. 
o   When the disciples thought Jesus was hungry, He told them that He had food that they didn’t know about.  Bringing the woman at the well to salvation was food to Him.
Ø  The Kingdom of God is; Righteousness (justice) Peace (the presence of God), and JOY in the Holy Ghost.  Our satisfaction is in doing the will of the Father.   Justice is the feast that the Father say’s “come and dine”    “Come taste of me, see that I am good.”  Justice is the sweet manna of heaven.  If we say we love God, we will seek to do His heart. 
Ø  The promise of this verse is that the righteous person will be satisfied NOW!  It isn’t pie in the sky reward later.  Acts of righteousness are instant gratification.  We have to train our souls to taste it just as well as our natural sense of taste.     

An AFTER word; this is a pivotal verse for us. So often we mess up the word 'Justice,' confusing it with being fair. Justice is the 'act' of restoring a person to equity, placing them on equal footing with others. God is all about Justice. HE IS JUST! The problem arises when we use the laws He created to enslave others. When we don't exercise the mercy, compassion, and tenderness he expresses toward us, we become unrighteous. Hungering and thirsting for righteousness is desiring above all else to see equity restored. That is why Christ left us His Spirit. His Spirit empowers us to heal, deliver, and restore. His Spirit fulfills our greatest desires. We can stand in the place of judgment, and give it completely to the only one who is able to judge. More than that, he left us with the ability to make things right. WOW! Can you lay hold of that? He uses us to restore equity. We become the $50 that someone needs to make it through the week. We become the car mechanic that knows exactly what's wrong. These are things we can do in our physical man, led by the Spirit of God, but there is more! We become the finger of God, reaching out to touch the infirm, the afflicted, and the brokenhearted. We become doers of the Word, not just hearers. It works on two levels, He uses what we have to offer, and we use what he has to offer. He makes our best efforts rise above our greatest weaknesses. We become the righteousness of Christ.
Oh well, some of you will agree with me.  

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