Sunday, January 13, 2013


I hope and pray your fast went well.  How hard was it?  Did any of you see the people you were fasting for receive their healing, miracle, or salvation?  Did your faith change? Fasting is one of the most powerful weapons in our Kingdom arsenal.  I pray WE will discover power to change our inner man, and affect change in the earth through prayer, and fasting.  I BELIEVE fasting is one of the greatest surgical tools the Holy Spirit can use to remove the spiritual cataracts that cloud our vision of the Kingdom.  Seeing the Kingdom clearly will make our lives more meaningful, more purposeful.  (Fasting doesn’t make you more spiritual!)

This week, we’re going to talk about the Law of Primacy and Recency.  Primacy and recency is a tool used  to help you remember what is said to you.  Teachers use it to help you remember key information.  The media uses it to emphasize what they want you to hear.  In layman’s terms; if you say it at the beginning, and repeat it at the end, people will be more likely to remember it.  Most of you didn’t realize you were practicing this principle when you wrote a paper for English class in school.  We didn’t invent the law of primacy and recency, God did.  It is basic to Him.  He is the first and last.  HE IS!  It is important for you to know that the Kingdom is everything! It is why we are still here.
The Kingdom of God is the number one priority of Christ.  Salvation, redemption, deliverance, and healing, are the by-products of the Kingdom of heaven invading earth.  For some of you, this will be very basic, and old school, for others, it will be the launching point for a new life. For those of you who are mature, and grounded in KINGDOM thinking, I encourage you to begin to mentor (Disciple) those that aren’t up to speed yet.  For those of you who aren’t up to speed, ask for a Mentor.  HERE IS THE ONE THING I WANT YOU KNOW FROM THIS STUDY!!!!!!!
The Kingdom was, and still is the primary focus of Christ.  Jesus spent three years preparing the disciples for the Kingdom. He didn't tell them to teach the Kingdom to the world, he told them to go into all the world and make disciples (citizens) of all nations. (Matthew 28:19)  He didn't say make disciples 'in' all nations, he said 'of' all nations. He knew the power of the Church was to infect, affect, and inject the Kingdom into the World system. If you remember from last week, I told you we would look at the fact that you can’t even see the Kingdom unless you were born again.  When Christ spoke to Nicodemus, he spoke in the plural, meaning he was emphasizing that the disciples were already born again. He spent three years showing them what the Kingdom looked like, how it operated, and what the manifestation of it should look like. His sermons, parables, and even his physical examples focused on the Kingdom.  Throughout this study, you are going to hear certain verses of scripture over, and over again.  By the time we’re finished, you’ll understand our second Kingdom Truth:  The Kingdom is everything!  Let’s prove it at the start, and keep proving it over, and over with our lives!  Let me show you with God’s rule of Recency and Primacy.
The Kingdom was declared to Joseph, before Christ was ever born:  Luke 1:31-33
John the Baptist preached the Kingdom before Christ began His ministry: Matthew 3:2
Jesus preached the Kingdom at the beginning of His Ministry: Matthew 4:17
Jesus’ FIRST recorded sermon was about the Kingdom:  Matthew chapters 5 – 6
Jesus teaching the disciples about the end times: Matthew 24:14
Jesus teaching about the Kingdom during the end times: Matthew chapter 25
Jesus commissioning the disciples before ascending to Heaven:  Acts 1: 1-10
As the returning King, Christ has every right to demand a return on his investment(Matt 25:14-46). We don’t have any excuses, because he left us everything we need for life and godliness (2nd Peter 1:3,) it is up to us to to present him with the increase of His Kingdom. Actually, Jesus spent more time talking about the Kingdom than he did salvation.  My prayer for this Men’s group, is that we become a catalyst for the Kingdom to spread to the ends of the earth, the church reformed, our hearts transformed, and our minds renewed.
As the Kingdom of Heaven becomes real to us, world events won't surprise, nor dishearten US. You will know you can endure all things, and be all things in Christ. You will be found standing firm in Christ, and not cower in fear. You will know why earthquakes happen, famines spread, hurricanes sweep, and tornadoes devastate. World events will not be mysteries to you, and you will have Kingdom principals to offer those who ask you for help. Miracles, signs and wonders will follow you everywhere you go. You will know the voice of God, walk in His presence, demonstrate his power, and be instant in season, and out, to release the Kingdom of God into the lives of people all around you. You will be poised to usher in the Kingdom, and bring this present age to an end. You will walk in the peace of God, the love of Christ, and present God’s gracious gifts to men everywhere you go.  With that said, the ultimate goal for this course of study is to usher in the miraculous, empower the defenseless, and bring hope to the hopeless.  We’ll step beyond the ordinary into the extraordinary, gifts of healing will once again flourish, miracles will become normal occurrences, and salvation will spring up everywhere you trod. 
To make that happen, you’ll have to cast off all cynicism, doubt, and unbelief.  The Kingdom of God isn’t about you fitting it into your life schedule, but about the Kingdom being your life schedule.  Hopefully this study will inspire you to devote yourself to the Spirit led life, prayer, bible study, and almost insane acts of faith. We won’t do this as lone wolfs seeking glory or a territory to conquer.  You, and I will do things we’ve never done before, empowered by the Spirit of Christ at work within us.  Being first will mean being last, and being last will mean being first.  WHY?  Because the Kingdom demands submission to the will of the Father.  Vain glory will pale in the light of the joy of seeing lives changed. Position, and title will be meaningless. We will prove the worth of the Lord Jesus through our lives being given completely over to HIM.  Fasting(not always for a week,)  will become a common occurrence in your life, as you begin to feast on the Bread of the Kingdom.  It will be in that time of self-denial, that we’ll discover what is waiting for us.
So, strap on your jet pack, put on your helmet of salvation, pull down your Kingdom visor, and get ready to kick some demonic rear.  This adventure can only get better, but first we’ll need to cover some very basic stuff.  Knowing the basics will make it easier to give the Kingdom to those who are ready to enter.
List 3 MORE people in your life who need healing, excluding yourself.  List 3 miracles that need to happen in the lives of others around you, but not for you(preferably brothers and sisters in the Lord.)  List 3 people (family or friends) you want to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus.  Mention these people in your prayers, put their names as a book marker in your Bible, and even mention them when you bless the food you eat.
Bring the lists with you to the next men’s group.

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