Moving through this last lesson in the “Knowing” portion of our study
into the Kingdom of Heaven has taken longer than I thought it would. We spent over fourteen weeks just on the
beatitudes. I thought we would mortally
fly through this lesson, but we seem to enjoy diving to a depth I didn’t even
think possible. I’m posting the
following ‘portion’ of the last lesson so our brothers in other parts of the
country can know where we are in the study of the Kingdom. On a more personal note: One of the amazing
things to me, is that I began writing this study on the Kingdom of Heaven with
this lesson at the beginning of the study.
While trying to lay a foundation for this lesson I kept pushing it
further back in the study. From the
beginning, I’ve had an overarching theme of expecting the miraculous expressed
through healing, deliverance, and salvations. Fueling that expectation was the
knowledge that it is LOVE that makes the miraculous happen. I know the Holy
Spirit is the one who performs miracles, but LOVE is the driving force behind
everything we desire to see. Then, six
months ago, my Pastor gave me a book by Bob Goff called “Love Does.” It inspired me to believe more than ever
before, that it is love that fuels our desire to do great things for God. Two weeks ago I was given another book
called “Compelled by Love”, by Heidi Baker.
I’m still reading “Compelled by Love,” but I can tell you it made the
hair on the back of my neck stand up.
It made me wonder if I missed the Holy Spirit by pushing this portion of
the study to the end.
SO, with all of that said, I’m highly recommending those two books for
our men to read as a supplement to our study.
I’ve also included the portion of our lesson sheet that we’ve finished
up to this point. If you pray for
anything at all for me personally, pray that our local phone company will make
DSL available to us soon. THIS OFFICE
IS COLD!!!!!!!
As we move closer to the end of THE KNOWING, it is important to
understand the height, the depth, and breadth of the Love of God toward us. If
we don't have a genuine appreciation for the Love of God, we can't advance the
Kingdom, nor can we exercise the gifts he's given us with any degree of
accuracy. Everything Jesus did upon this earth was an expression of the Love of
God. His first recorded 'sermon' was a treatise upon what love should look
like. As he ends his sermon he makes it clear what the Kingdom will look like,
by the foundation he has drawn up. It is up to us, His Church, to DO what he
said, so that we may be built upon the love of God. As our lives are built upon
love, we will live lives of praise that bring glory to His name. While some of
you may not like what is to follow, these are not my words, but those of
Christ. We’ve already discussed what kind of people are 'blessed' (happy.) He
gives us their quality, and what the reward is for demonstrating that quality
If we turn to Matthew 5:13-16 we’ll learn what we should resemble
- We are salt
- we give flavor to the world,
making it palatable
- We are light
- we reveal the condition of
the world around us by our actions
- Our Good Deeds will give
Praise to God
Love is more than what we do: (Matthew 5:17- 20) If you want to mess
yourself up turn to 1 Corinthians 13 and read along. Love is a tougher LAW to
keep than the ceremonial laws, because it fulfills all the Commandments.
- Love is not angry (Matthew
- Love does not allow anger to
fester (envy, strife, and covetousness lead to murder)
- Does not insult or injure
(calling someone an idiot)
- Does not demand its own way
(cursing someone)
- If you've been angry and
offended someone, ask forgiveness. (BE HUMBLE)
- Settle your differences with
one another quickly (forgiveness is the currency of the Kingdom)
- Love is faithful, chaste, and
pure (Matthew 5:27-32)
- Fidelity in marriage is
tantamount to fidelity with God
- Loyalty is unconditional love
- To be unfaithful for any
other reason than unfaithfulness is to become doubly unfaithful
- Love is sincere and lives a
life of integrity (Matthew 5:33-37)
- Love doesn't lie
- Love doesn't need to be bound
by empty promises
- Love is always there
As a final note: There are so
many wonderful things said by the men who come here every Sunday morning. My memory isn’t the best, and a moderator/
teacher, I don’t take the best of notes.
I should. Just know without a
doubt, that God does have a remnant of men who are sincere in their love for
Him. We are learning how to be an army
of ‘lay down lovers.’ Thanks Rick
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