This morning's Men's Group was a lab. Yeah, I know, the idea of lab work in a Christian setting seems so counter-intuitive. Discovering new ideas, breaking down years of tradition, and erroneous mindsets isn't at all what Christ would do. Teachable moments can't be found in the four gospels.
In my desire to not to offend anyone who might stumble on this blog, I've purposely withheld some of the teaching we've been doing. Yet, in this instance, I can't hold back any longer. I won't argue with non-believers, simply because it is the difference between an experiential knowledge, and a head knowledge. You can't tell me something I've experienced isn't real. This same argument is what I use when I'm talking with other believers about spiritual gifts. So. . .if you have stumbled on this blog, and you don't believe in the gifts of the Spirit, you might want to stop reading, now!
Last week I asked the men to pray for 15 minutes before coming to Men's Group. During that time, I asked them to seek a 'word' from the Lord, write that word down, and be ready to speak it prophetically over their family, their faith family, and the world.
Talk about some exciting stuff. You see, as priests, and kings, we must serve with wisdom, and insight. (Kings are truly servants of another KING.) In our families, we have a responsibility to speak prophetically over our loved ones. If we are truly 'born again,' we will speak the best things over them. While the best may not feel good, or may even be painful, speaking it will bring it to pass. Our relationship with Christ is strengthened when we move within the prophetic.
Jeffrey spoke the word, Healing. Not in the sense of physical healing, but in the sense of doing what is asked of you. The healing that takes place when you are disciplined, and become truthful.
Michael spoke the word, Stay. Staying in the richness of Christ, His blessing, favor, and richness of grace.
Stone spoke the word, Sensitive. Being sensitive to the heart of Christ, one another, and acting upon that sensitivity
Eric spoke the word, Favor. That we would all live in the favor of God, and bring favor to all mankind through living in the favor of God.
Caleb spoke the word Humility. That we would all be humble, living in this life with the humility that can only come from knowing Christ
Tony F. spoke the word Truth. This word was burning on his heart all week long. His prayer was that we would all know the truth, speak the truth, and live the truth.
Jeff spoke the word Display. He spoke the desire for all of us to display the grace of God, by living lives of love.
Pastor Eric spoke the word Abide. That we would all abide, dwell in, draw our life from, and be found in Christ.
Pastor Tony spoke the word Breathe. That we would breath in the Holy Spirit, and breath out the life of Christ.
Colby spoke the word Victory. That we would experience the victory of faith in our lives.
Jeremy spoke the word Faithfully. That we would all live faithfully for the Lord our God, serve men faithfully, and serve our families faithfully.
Cool thing about the lab experiment, was that the song set for the praise, and worship service had every one of the words in it. That song set was chosen earlier in the week.
MY THOUGHTS: My prayer for this study has been to awaken within the men, the gifts of the Spirit, and to make them an everyday occurrence in our lives. The prophetic is so critical to the advancement of the Kingdom. I hope and pray that we are able to make it real within us. If we stop believing in a living God, that loves to speak to us daily, then we have rendered the work of the cross useless. It was Jesus who declared in John 16:7 that it was expedient for him to go away, so that we might receive the promise of the Holy Spirit. The prophetic isn't a hokey side show act, but instead is a vibrant revelation of the Holy Spirit working in our lives.