Saturday, March 26, 2022


Most modern scholars seem to agree that the book of James was written to Messianic Jews living in what is known as Galatia.  Of course, we wouldn't recognize Galatia today because it is almost completely woven into the modern nation of Turkey.  The Celtic genetic influence is clearly visible in the large number of Turks with red hair.  Which has nothing to do with the letter of James to the Messianic Jews in Galatia.  At the same time, the Gauls of Christ's day had a huge influence upon the Jewish people who lived there.  Even Paul himself was from the city of Tarsus which was situated in southern Galatia.  For James, (we won't try to discern which James) the message he brought to the Messianic Jews in Galatia was typically Jewish.  At the time of this letter, Paul hadn't written one letter to any church yet.  Paul was still going into the Jewish synagogues, and winning converts to "the Way," as Christianity was called in the beginning.  

It is said that Martin Luther despised the book of James with its emphasis upon works, and condemnation of those whose lives were empty of works. Yet, a more modern understanding of James' writing shows that his reasoning was in line with the words of Jesus.  Let me use an example to prove my point.

Every year my wife makes me plant a garden.  Some of the plants are already cultivated and grown from seed somewhere else, mostly tomatoes, peppers, and strawberries.  Still, whenever I put a seed in the ground, it is a seed.  I don't know what that seed will be until it begins to grow.  I water it, fertilize it, and remove weeds so that it will grow.  Within that seed is the genetic information that will tell it what it is, and what it must do.  As a seed, it doesn't have one piece of fruit on it.  The fruit is in it, written within its genetic framework.  Environmental conditions dictate whether the fruit will come.  I've planted gardens only to have them devoured by bugs, and disease.  I planted seeds when the spring rains came, and then watched severe drought, and heat burn the plant up.  Still, no matter what conditions were around the plant, it at least attempted to make fruit.  

James is arguing the same point, but in a view toward our own lives being fruitful.  Never once does James say that doing good works is the path to salvation.  He simply points out the obvious, that we should be producing fruit.  This is the same message Christ taught.  James questions the faith of a believer if they don't produce the expected fruit.  I like to look at faith as the DNA code of our being a new creation in Christ.  Our fruit reveals our DNA.  Works (fruit) are the proof of who we are.  Whether we are grapes, corn, wheat, figs, or any other number of other fruit bearing plants, we have to bear fruit.  

The Messianic Jews in Galatia would've understood this.  I think Martin Luther wrestled with the book of James because he'd seen the dark side of the early Catholic church.  Living in Grace, and living by faith is one of the hardest things for Christians to do.  It is human nature to establish dogma, and do 'things' to earn right standing with whatever god we worship. Thankfully, Jesus paid the price for our salvation, and all we have to do is believe that.  Once we believe, and are born again, we are free to live out what our spiritual DNA says we are.  Just as chlorophyll is the life blood of the plant kingdom, so to is love the life's blood of Christians.  Love, will feed our works, and produce the seed of future generations to come. Love is the message of James.  Look at your life, remove the weeds, kick out the bugs, and love.    


Wednesday, March 2, 2022


 As we're about to wind up our look into Galatians, eternity is something I've been wrestling with since we began looking into the celtic peoples that became the Galatians.  The Gaelic Celts who left a trail of death and destruction as they moved into what would later become known as Galatia, were feared for their fearlessness in battle.  Their culture was based upon dying with honor upon a battlefield and securing a place of honor in the afterlife.  As we've read through Paul's letter to the Galatians it is apparent that he didn't need to convince them of life after death.  They understood Eternity.  Paul's persuasion was more focused on the path to enter eternity, which stands in stark contrast to our present day.  

Christianity is almost solely focused on and is concerned with our lives after this fleshly tent is laid to rest.  The promises of God, the work of the cross, and the entire reason for the resurrection was to procure our place in eternity. It seems to me that there isn't much belief in eternity in today's culture.  A matter of fact, most people I talk to who don't believe in Christianity, don't believe in God, and ultimately don't believe in eternity.  The moral beauty of Christianity is not its greatest drawing card, and even less so without a belief in eternity. Those who believe that this life is all there is are more prone to be atheistic, or agnostic at best.  Without eternity, Christianity is a fruitless experiment.  

Someone asked me just this week if there was a book of the bible I would recommend to an atheist to convince them of Christ.  The answer is, NO.  Without a belief in Eternity, or should I say eternal life, there would be no reason I could give for someone to believe in Christ.  It'd be easy to blame a disregard for eternity on the worldly culture of our present day, but the worldly culture of today is a symptom of unbelief.  A belief in the afterlife is established in childhood.  I grew up in a home, and a church where life after death was used as cudgel to make me be good, and establish morals within me.  Fear of God, and His judgment were pounded into me, and became part of my emotional life in this present day.  It didn't represent Christ, and instead put me in the place of failure every day.  It took a long time for me to discover eternity outside of judgment.  It took a long time to understand that those who will be judged at the end of the age, didn't believe in eternity.  If any part of the letter to the Galatians identifies the fact that it was definitely written to them, it would be the absence of having to convince them of eternity.  

If we are to give our children the very best gift we can give them, I believe we need to convince them of eternity.  If we are to make that gift wondrous, and able to withstand the pressures of this present age, we need to make eternal love real to them.  Without love, who would want to live forever?  


Most modern scholars seem to agree that the book of James was written to Messianic Jews living in what is known as Galatia.  Of course, we w...