I wish more men could sit in on the lessons we’re having
right now. Actually, I wish our women
could enjoy this time as well. My heart
has grown ten times too big during the last few weeks as I’ve listened to our
men teaching the deeper truths of the Kingdom of Heaven. We’ve been delving deeply into the
beatitudes, and each of the men has taken us deeper by steps. This morning, our Bro. Eric taught on the
merciful. Here is his lesson sheet.
Matthew 5:7 (NLT) God
blesses those who are merciful, for they shall be shown mercy
Definition of Merciful:
Treating people with kindness, and forgiveness: not cruel or harsh:
giving relief from suffering.
James 2:13 (NLT) There will be no mercy for those who have not shown mercy to
others. But, if you have been merciful,
God will be merciful when He judges you.
Micah 7: 18-19 (NLT)
Where is another God like you, who
pardons the guilt of the remnant, overlooking the sins of His special
people? You will not stay angry with
your people forever, because you delight in showing unfailing love. (19) Once
again you will have compassion on us.
You will trample our sins under your feet, and throw them into the
depths of the ocean!
We all want, and NEED His mercy!!! Show mercy on those
around us that also NEED it, so we can live in the mercies of the Lord.
Daniel 4:27 (NLT) “’
King Nebucadnezzar, please accept my
advice. Stop sinning and do what is
right. Break from your wicked past and
be merciful to the poor. Perhaps then
you will continue to prosper.
cannot be prosperous without showing mercy
Isaiah 58:6-9 (NLT) 6No, this is the kind of fasting I want: Free those who are wrongly
imprisoned; lighten the burden of those who work for you. Let the oppressed go free, and remove the
chains that bind people. 7
Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them and do
not hide from relatives who need your help. 8 “Then your salvation will come like
the dawn, and your wounds will quickly heal.
Your godliness will lead you forward, and the glory of the Lord will
protect you from behind. 9 Then when you call, the Lord will
answer. ‘Yes, I am here, ‘ He will
reply. “Remove the heavy yoke of oppression. Stop pointing your finger and
spreading vicious rumors.
God has
us on earth to spread His Kingdom by showing others what it is.
Deuteronomy 4:31 (NLT) For the Lord your God is a
merciful God; He will not abandon you or destroy you or forget the solemn
covenant he made with your ancestors.
saves us from destruction!
mercy bomb!
Hebrews 13:5 (NLT) Don’t love money; be satisfied with what you
have for God has said, “I will never fail you.
I will never abandon you.”
Joshua 1:5 (NLT) No one will be able to stand against you as
long as you live. For, I will be with
you as I was with Moses, I will not fail
you or abandon you.
from suffering seems to be a recurring theme in being merciful. We need to be in the family business of showing
mercy, because he surely will not abandon us!! We are His sons and
Psalms 37:5-6 (NLT)“Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him and he will help you. He will make your innocence radiate like the
dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.”
Malachi 3: 16-17, Romans 13:8-9, Psalms 33:18, Ephesians 4:28
Our Brother Eric took this study into a different place than
most people would go. I know his heart,
having known him since he was a teenager.
He latched on to the last part of the definition of being merciful,
especially : Giving relief from
suffering. Brother Eric is a
merciful man. He gives of his time, his
money, his knowledge, and his skills. He
gives when he has nothing to give. He
gives things that can’t be measured by physical means. I am
so thankful that he went this direction, because in this day, and hour, we need
to show mercy. We need to show the kind,
and tender mercies of the Lord. This
lesson was so much more poignant to me in the light of the devastation in the Philippines
due to Typhoon Haiyan. It is easy to
look at ourselves and say ‘we’ll pray for you.’
What is demanded of us by the Lord?
What about here in our own backyard.
Can we ignore those who work with us, worship with us, and even live
with us? If we abandon those around us,
what will the Lord do when we need him?
Americans have always been quick to give to those in need. It doesn’t matter whether it is an enemy we
just fought with, or whether it is a people halfway around the world, Americans
love to show mercy. I believe it is why
we continue to be blessed, despite our rejection of God as a nation. God’s principals are never diminished, only
our ability to see why they come in the first place. Mercy is the only thing that keeps us from
falling apart as a nation.
As a final note; I’d like to mention some of the off the
cuff remarks during the lesson. “Love
isn’t always practical.” “Giving mercy
is a family thing, showing mercy can be especially difficult to family.” “We prosper when we show mercy, because we
are being obedient to the law of love.” “Showing
mercy looses the bonds, and chains of iniquity.” “You can’t show mercy without love.”